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Writing Retreat - Autumn Dreams
Writing Retreat - Autumn Dreams
19 Oct 2024, 10:30
Portrunny Bay Cottage

Write Your Heart Out!


If there is such a thing as a perfect season to write, it for sure would be autumn. Rainy days and the cold chill that heralds change calls for cosy socks and a pen in hand.

While the scents of warm cacao, cinnamon and apple compassionately embrace us, we are called to dig a little bit deeper towards what stirs our hearts. The dreams that ripened over the course of the summer may be on the threshold of turning into reality. The only question is if we are ready to be transformed.

Change comes with the relentless pull to let go. The foggy haze of grief may make it hard for us to keep going, yet the darker times call us to summon our light within.

Poetry embraces our melancholic feelings with the sweet scents of metaphor, sound, rhyme and rhythm. We retrospect, introspect and file through the collection of thoughts and memories of the year passed by.


Let’s stop together and breathe.


Let’s tap into the spirit of flow to write our hearts out.


Let’s come together to be creative and bathe in the energy of Love.

“It felt like being welcomed into Nicole’s home and heart. Nicole is a warm, generous and gentle host.

I don’t have a favourite part as I loved everything: the meditations, the crafting, the creative writing and the sharing food together.”

Participant of the Christmas retreat

Snuggle up and grab pen and paper

The greatest gift we can give ourselves, is taking some time for ourselves!

Tune into the vibration of Love, the vibration of you!

Feel part of something bigger in the inspiring space of a group of like-minded people.

Explore your inner world through the power of poetry, writing and meditation!

Drinks, healthy treats and a soulful soup included!


If you want to get information about other upcoming courses, sign up here for SOul Tidings.

Thanks for submitting!

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